Hosting React Application in a sub domain using cPanel
In this article I would be discussing about how to host your react application in a sub domain. In this example I would be explaining you the process with cPanel hosting. But I hope the process would be the same in other hosting services also.
As in this article I will be talking about deploying a react application in a sub domain, first you need to have a domain and a hosting service purchased. In the hosting service you use, you need to create a sub domain. In cPanel you can create a sub domain as below.

Then you will be able to see a folder named from the sub domain you created in the root folder of the hosting.

Inside the folder there will be some default folders created as below.

Then you need to go to your react code and get a production build of the application. For that you need to run the command “npm run build” on the root directory of the application in the terminal. In the below example I have run the command using the Visual Studio Code terminal.

The process of building a production build will take some time with respect to the weight of your project. Then there will be a folder called “build” inside the project folder.

The contents of the “build” folder will be as below.

Then you need to upload the content inside the “build” folder to the created folder of the sub domain (figure 3). In uploading the folder content of the “build“ folder you will probably need to zip the folder and upload in to the sub domain folder in the hosting. In this process you need to be mindful about the fact that the content of the “build” folder, should be directly in the folder of the sub domain folder in the hosting.

Well, that is the end of the process. Now you can directly see your application through the sub domain address.
Hope you got the idea of how to host a react application using a sub domain. Thank you for reading the article.